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[천주교 세례명(catholic baptismal name)] 성 즈카르야(Zacharias)의 아내이자 세례자 요한의 어머니 성녀 엘리사벳(Saint Elizabeth)

by 1살 비오 2023. 9. 8.

↑노래 들으시면서 읽는 것을 추천드리겠습니다^^↑



성인명(saint name) 성 엘리사벳(Saint Elizabeth)
축일(Feast) 9월 23일(23 September)
성인 구분(Saint Type) 성녀(saintess)
수호(Patronage) 아이를 낳지 못하다 임신한 여인, 임산부(Pregnant women)
신분(Identity) 신약인물(New Testament character), 부인(wife)
활동지역(activity area)  
활동연도(activity year) +1세기경(+1st century)


성모 마리아의 사촌인 성녀 엘리사벳(Elisabeth)은 유다 임금 헤로데 시대에 사제 성 즈카르야(Zacharias, 9월 23일)의 아내이자 세례자 요한(Joannes Baptistae, 6월 24일)의 어머니이다.


Saint Elisabeth, a cousin of the Virgin Mary, was the wife of the priest Saint Zacharias (September 23) and the mother of John the Baptist (June 24) at the time of the reign of Herod, King of Judah.

성녀 엘리사벳은 사제 아론(Aaron)의 자손으로 남편과 함께 주님의 모든 계명과 규정에 따라 흠 없이 살아가는 사람이었지만 나이가 들도록 아이가 없었다.


Saint Elizabeth was a descendant of the priest Aaron, and although she and her husband lived flawlessly in accordance with all the commandments and regulations of the Lord, she remained childless until she was old.

그녀가 아이를 못 낳는 여자였을 뿐 아니라 부부가 이미 나이가 많았기 때문이다.


Not only was she a woman who could not bear children, but the couple was already old.

성 즈카르야는 자신의 차례가 되어 하느님 앞에서 사제 직무를 수행하기 위해 주님의 성소에 분향하러 들어갔다가 주님의 천사를 만났다.


When it was his turn to perform his priestly duties before God, Saint Zacharias entered the sanctuary of the Lord to offer incense and was met by an angel of the Lord.

주님의 천사는 두려움에 사로잡힌 성 즈카르야에게 ‘아내 엘리사벳이 아들을 낳을 것이고 그 이름을 요한이라 하라’며 자신은 세례자 요한의 탄생을 예고하러 파견된 가브리엘(Gabriel, 9월 29일) 천사라고 말했다.


The angel of the Lord told Saint Zacharias, who was overcome with fear, that his wife Elizabeth would give birth to a son, and that he would be called John. He was the angel Gabriel (September 29) sent to announce the birth of John the Baptist. .



그러나 이미 나이가 많았던 그는 이 사실을 의심함으로써 아이가 태어날 때까지 말문이 막혀 말을 하지 못했다.


However, as he was already old, he doubted this fact and became speechless until the child was born.

성녀 엘리사벳은 동정 마리아가 천사 가브리엘로부터 예수님의 탄생 예고를 들었을 때 이미 임신한 지 여섯 달이었고, 그로 말미암아 하느님께서 하시는 일에는 불가능한 일이 없다는 것을 몸소 보여주는 표징이 되어 성모 마리아의 응답에 큰 힘이 되어주었다.


Saint Elizabeth was already six months pregnant when the Virgin Mary heard the announcement of the birth of Jesus from the angel Gabriel. This became a sign that nothing is impossible with God, and was a great strength in the Virgin Mary's response. gave.

그리고 성모 마리아의 방문을 받았을 때 성령을 가득히 받아 큰소리로 외쳤다.


And when he was visited by the Virgin Mary, he was filled with the Holy Spirit and cried out loud.

당신은 여인들 가운데에서 가장 복되시며 당신 태중의 아기도 복되십니다. 내 주님의 어머니께서 저에게 오시다니 어찌 된 일입니까? 보십시오, 당신의 인사말 소리가 제 귀에 들리자 저의 태 안에서 아기가 즐거워 뛰놀았습니다. 행복하십니다, 주님께서 하신 말씀이 이루어지리라고 믿으신 분!


“Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. How is it that the Mother of my Lord comes to me? See, when the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby leaped for joy in my womb. Blessed is the one who believed that what the Lord said would come true!”



성녀 엘리사벳이 해산달이 차서 아들을 낳자 이웃과 친척들은 모두 기뻐하며 아기의 이름을 아버지의 이름을 따서 즈카르야라고 부르려 했다.


When Saint Elizabeth gave birth to a son, all her neighbors and relatives were happy and tried to name the baby Zacharias after his father.

그때 성녀 엘리사벳은 아이 이름을 요한이라 해야 한다고 했다.


At that time, Saint Elizabeth said that the child should be named John.

의아해하는 이들에게 성 즈카르야는 글 쓰는 판에 ‘그의 이름은 요한’이라고 썼고, 그 즉시 입이 열리고 혀가 풀려 말을 하기 시작하면서 하느님을 찬미했다.


To those who were puzzled, Saint Zacharias wrote on his writing board, ‘His name is John,’ and immediately his mouth opened, his tongue loosened, and he began to speak, praising God.

성령으로 가득 찬 그는 이렇게 예언하였다.


Filled with the Holy Spirit, he prophesied:

“주 이스라엘의 하느님께서는 찬미받으소서. 그분께서는 당신 백성을 찾아와 속량하시고 당신 종 다윗 집안에서 우리를 위하여 힘센 구원자를 일으키셨습니다. … 우리 하느님의 크신 자비로 높은 곳에서 별이 우리를 찾아오시어 어둠과 죽음의 그늘에 앉아 있는 이들을 비추시고 우리 발을 평화의 길로 이끌어 주실 것이다.


“Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel. He has come and redeemed his people and has raised up for us a mighty deliverer from the house of David his servant. … “By the great mercy of our God, a star from on high will visit us to illuminate those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death, and to guide our feet into the path of peace.”


